

作者:上海泽泉科技股份有限公司 2010-11-16T00:00 (访问量:7315)



1. Ajjawi I, Lu Y, Savage LJ, Bell SM, Last RL. Large-Scale Reverse Genetics in Arabidopsis: Case Studies from the Chloroplast 2010 Project. Plant Physiology,2010, 152:529-540.[IMAGING-PAM]
2. Behr M, Humbeck K, Hause G, Deising HB, Wirsel SGR. The Hemibiotroph Colletotrichum graminicola Locally Induces Photosynthetically Active Green Islands but Globally Accelerates Senescence on Aging Maize Leaves. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions,2010, 23(7):879-892.[IMAGING-PAM]
3. Császár NBM, Ralph PJ, Frankham R, Berkelmans R, van Oppen MJH. Estimating the Potential for Adaptation of Corals to Climate Warming. PLoS ONE,2010, 5(3):e9751. doi:9710.1371/journal.pone.0009751.[IMAGING-PAM]
4. Fischer-Kilbienski I, Miao Y, Roitsch T, Zschiesche W, Humbeck K, Krupinska K. Nuclear targeted AtS40 modulates senescence associated gene expression in Arabidopsis thaliana during natural development and in darkness. Plant Molecular Biology,2010:in press.[IMAGING-PAM]
5. Fu L-J, Shi K, Gu M, Zhou Y-H, Dong D-K, Liang W-S, Song F-M, Yu J-Q. Systemic Induction and Role of Mitochondrial Alternative Oxidase and Nitric Oxide in a Compatible Tomato–Tobacco mosaic virus Interaction. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions,2010, 23(1):39-48.[IMAGING-PAM]
6. Gao S, Chen X-Y, Yi Q-Q, Wang G-C, Pan G-H, Lin A-P, Peng G. A Strategy for the Proliferation of Ulva prolifera, Main Causative Species of Green Tides, with Formation of Sporangia by Fragmentation. PLoS One 2010, 5(1):e8571. doi:8510.1371/journal.pone.0008571.[IMAGING-PAM]
7. Gimeno TE, Sommerville KE, Valladares F, Atkin OK. Homeostasis of respiration under drought and its important consequences for foliar carbon balance in a drier climate: insights from two contrasting Acacia species. Functional Plant Biology,2010, 37:323-333.[IMAGING-PAM]
8. Goh C-H, Oh S-J, Jun S-S, Han T. External K+ Deficiency Inhibits Photosynthetic Activity Through Superoxide Anion Production in Protoplasts Isolated from the Thallus of Ulva pertusa Journal of Plant Biology,2010, 53(2):155-164.[IMAGING-PAM]
9. Gould KS, Dudle DA, Neufeld HS. Why some stems are red: cauline anthocyanins shield photosystem II against high light stress. Journal of Experimental Botany,2010, 61(10):2707-2717.[IMAGING-PAM, PAM-2500, PAM-2000]
10. Horst RJ, Doehlemann G, Wahl R, Hofmann J, Schmiedl A, Kahmann R, Kämper J, Sonnewald U, Voll LM. Ustilago maydis Infection Strongly Alters Organic Nitrogen Allocation in Maize and Stimulates Productivity of Systemic Source Leaves. Plant Physiology,2010, 152:293-308.[GFS-3000, MINI-IMAGING-PAM]
11. Huang H-Y, Lai W-L, Song L-Y, Shu Z, Yang C-W, Peng C-L. Increased Resistance of Arabidopsis CPR5 Mutant to H2O2-Induced Photooxidation. Pakistan Journal of Botany 2010, 42(2):1041-1049.[IMAGING-PAM]
12. Ibáñez H, Ballester A, Muñoz R, Quiles MJ. Chlororespiration and tolerance to drought, heat and high illumination Journal of Plant Physiology,2010:in press.[IMAGING-PAM]
13. Letousey P, Baillieul F, Perrot G, Rabenoelina F, Boulay M, Vaillant-Gaveau N, Clément C, Fontaine F. Early Events Prior to Visual Symptoms in the Apoplectic Form of Grapevine Esca Disease. Phytopathology,2010, 100(5):424-431.[IMAGING-PAM]
15. Liu N, Lin Z-F, Lin G-Z, Song L-Y, Chen S-W, Mo H, Peng C-L. Lead and cadmium induced alterations of cellular functions in leaves of Alocasia macrorrhiza L. Schott Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety,2010:in press.[IMAGING-PAM]
16. Majer P, Sass L, Horvath GV, Hideg E. Leaf hue measurements offer a fast, high-throughput initial screening of photosynthesis in leaves. Journal of Plant Physiology,2010, 167:74-76.[IMAGING-PAM]
17. McElrone AJ, Hamilton JG, Krafnick AJ, Aldea M, Knepp RG, DeLucia EH. Combined effects of elevated CO2 and natural climatic variation on leaf spot diseases of redbud and sweetgum trees. Environmental Pollution,2010, 158(1):108-114.[IMAGING-PAM]
18. Pardow A, Hartard B, Lakatos M. Morphological, photosynthetic and water relations traits underpin the contrasting success of two tropical lichen groups at the interior and edge of forest fragments. AoB Plants,2010:plq004, doi:010.1093/aobpla/plq1004.[IMAGING-PAM]
19. Pietrini F, Zacchini M, Iori V, Pietrosanti L, Ferretti M, Massacci A. Spatial distribution of cadmium in leaves and its impact on photosynthesis: examples of different strategies in willow and poplar clones. Plant Biology,2010, 12(2):355-363.[IMAGING-PAM, HCM-1000]
20. Ren G, Zhou Q, Wu S, Zhang Y, Zhang L, Huang J, Sun Z, Kuai B. Reverse Genetic Identification of CRN1 and its Distinctive Role in Chlorophyll Degradation in Arabidopsis. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology,2010, 52(5):496-504.[IMAGING-PAM]
21. Rotter S, Sans-Piché F, Streck G, Altenburger R, Schmitt-Jansen M. Active bio-monitoring of contamination in aquatic systems–An in situ translocation experiment applying the PICT concept Aquatic Toxicology,2010:in press.[IMAGING-PAM]
22. Skirycz A, De Bodt S, Obata T, De Clercq I, Claeys H, De Rycke R, Andriankaja M, Van Aken O, Van Breusegem F, Fernie AR et al. Developmental Stage Specificity and the Role of Mitochondrial Metabolism in the Response of Arabidopsis Leaves to Prolonged Mild Osmotic Stress. Plant Physiology,2010, 152:226-244.[IMAGING-PAM]
23. Souza BD, Meiado MV, Rodrigues BM, Santos MG. Water relations and chlorophyll fluorescence responses of two leguminous trees from the Caatinga to different watering regimes Acta Physiologiae Plantarum,2010, 32(2):235-244.[IMAGING-PAM]
24. Takahashi S, Milward SE, Yamori W, Evans JR, Hillier W, Badger MR. The solar action spectrum of photosystem II damage. Plant Physiology,2010:in press.[IMAGING-PAM]
25. Tschiersch H, Borisjuk L, Rutten T, Rolletschek H. Gradients of seed photosynthesis and its role for oxygen balancing. Biosystems,2010:in press.[IMAGING-PAM]
26. Velikova V, Salerno G, Frati F, Peri E, Conti E, Colazza S, Loreto F. Influence of Feeding and Oviposition by Phytophagous Pentatomids on Photosynthesis of Herbaceous Plants Journal of Chemical Ecology 2010:in press.[IMAGING-PAM]
27. Wulff-Zottele C, Gatzke N, Kopka J, Orellana A, Hoefgen R, Fisahn J, Hesse H. Photosynthesis and metabolism interact during acclimation of Arabidopsis thaliana to high irradiance and sulphur depletion. Plant Cell and Environment,2010, 33(11):1974-1988.[IMAGING-PAM]
28. Xie X, Wang G, Pan G, Gao S, Xu P, Zhu J. Variations in morphology and PSII photosynthetic capabilities during the early development of tetraspores of Gracilaria vermiculophylla (Ohmi) Papenfuss (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta). BMC Developmental Biology,2010, 10:43.[MICROSCOPY-IMAGING-PAM]
29. Yiotis C, Manetas Y. Sinks for photosynthetic electron flow in green petioles and pedicels of Zantedeschia aethiopica: evidence for innately high photorespiration and cyclic electron flow rates Planta,2010:in press.[IMAGING-PAM]
30. Zeng X-Q, Chow WS, Su L-J, Peng X-X, Peng C-L. Protective effect of supplemental anthocyanins on Arabidopsis leaves under high light. Physiologia Plantarum,2010, 138(2):215-225.[IMAGING-PAM]
31. 程建峰, 陈根云, 沈允钢. 神农架林区不同类型植物的叶片特征与光合性能研究. 生态环境学报,2010, 19(1):165-171.[DUAL-PAM-100, IMAGING-PAM]
32. 段晓琼, 唐秋菊, 禇胜利, 杜林方. 利用Imaging-PAM研究莱茵衣藻对环境变化的影响. 植物生理学通讯,2010, 46(3):263-267.[IMAGING-PAM]
33. 李晓晶, 高志奎, , 刘传斌, . 细胞分裂素对番茄子房和果实表面光系统光能吸收利用的影响. 园艺学报,2010, 37(4):1-8.[IMAGING-PAM]
34. 陆燕元, 邓西平. 转入Cu/ Zn SOD APX 基因对甘薯旱后复水的恢复作用. 西北农林科技大学学报,2010, 38(1):67-74.[IMAGING-PAM]
35. 宋春春, 蒋文伟, 朱欣欣. 不同富营养化处理对再力花叶绿素及其荧光参数的影响. 吉林农业,2010(5):74-76.[MINI-PAM, IMAGING-PAM]
36. 唐文邦, 张桂莲, 肖应辉, 邓化冰, 范科, 刘国华, 陈立云. C两优系列杂交稻组合生育后期剑叶生理生化特性研究. 中国水稻科学,2010, 24(2):169-174.[IMAGING-PAM]
37. 伍小兵, 成雨洁, 邓西平, 郭尚洙. 叶片喷施H2O2 以及转入Cu/Zn SOD APX基因对甘薯幼苗冷后恢复的作用. 中国农业科学,2010, 43(7):1379-1388.[IMAGING-PAM]
38. Abbasi A, Saur A, Hennig P, Tschiersch H, Hajirezaei M, Hofius D, Sonnewald U, Voll LM. Tocopherol deficiency in transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) plants leads to accelerated senescence. Plant Cell and Environment,2009, 32(2):144-157.[GFS-3000 & MINI-IMAGING-PAM]
39. Abreu ME, Munné-Bosch S. Salicylic acid deficiency in NahG transgenic lines and sid2 mutants increases seed yield in the annual plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Experimental Botany,2009, 60(4):1261-1271.[IMAGING-PAM]
40. Ay N, Irmler K, Fischer A, Uhlemann R, Reuter G, Humbeck K. Epigenetic programming via histone methylation at WRKY53 controls leaf senescence in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Journal,2009, 58(2):333-346.[IMAGING-PAM]
41. Chalifour A, Spear PA, Boily MH, DeBlois C, Giroux I, Dassylva N, Juneau P. Assessment of toxic effects of pesticide extracts on different green algal species by using chlorophyll a fluorescence. Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry,2009, 91(7):1315-1329.[IMAGING-PAM]
42. Cooper TF, Ulstrup KE. Mesoscale variation in the photophysiology of the reef building coral Pocillopora damicornis along an environmental gradient Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science,2009, 83(2):186-196.[IMAGING-PAM]
43. Depuydt S, Trenkamp S, Fernie AR, Elftieh S, Renou J-P, Vuylsteke M, Holsters M, Vereecke D. An Integrated Genomics Approach to Define Niche Establishment by Rhodococcus fascians. Plant Physiology,2009, 149:1366-1386.[IMAGING-PAM]
44. Escher BI, Bramaz N, Lienert J, Neuwoehner J, Straub JO. Mixture toxicity of the antiviral drug Tamiflu® (oseltamivir ethylester) and its active metabolite oseltamivir acid Aquatic Toxicology,2009, 96(3):194-202.[IMAGING-PAM]
45. Franz S, Altenburger R, Heilmeier H, Schmitt-Jansen M. What contributes to the sensitivity of microalgae to triclosan? . Aquatic Toxicology,2009, 90(2):102-108.[IMAGING-PAM]
46. Gamboa J, Muñoz R, Quiles MJ. Effects of antimycin A and n-propyl gallate on photosynthesis in sun and shade plants Plant Science,2009, 177(6):643-647.[IMAGING-PAM]
47. Holzinger A, Roleda MY, Lütz C. The vegetative arctic freshwater green alga Zygnema is insensitive to experimental UV exposure Micron,2009, 40(8):931-838.[IMAGING-PAM]
48. Jansen M, Gilmer F, Biskup B, Nagel KA, Rascher U, Fischbach A, Briem S, Dreissen G, Tittmann S, Braun S et al. Simultaneous phenotyping of leaf growth and chlorophyll fluorescence via GROWSCREEN FLUORO allows detection of stress tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana and other rosette plants. Functional Plant Biology,2009, 36:902-914.[IMAGING-PAM]
49. Kim J-H, Lee MH, Moon YR, Kim J-S, Wi SG, Kim TH, Chung BY. Characterization of metabolic disturbances closely linked to the delayed senescence of Arabidopsis leaves after γ irradiation Environmental and Experimental Botany,2009, 67(2):363-371.[IMAGING-PAM]
50. Kitao M, Löw M, Heerdt C, Grams TEE, Häberle K-H, Matyssek R. Effects of chronic elevated ozone exposure on gas exchange responses of adult beech trees (Fagus sylvatica) as related to the within-canopy light gradient Environmental Pollution,2009, 157(2):537-544.[IMAGING-PAM]
51. Krupenina NA, Bulychev AA. Action potential-induced changes in photosynthetic pattern of a plant cell Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology,2009, 153(2):s213-s214.[IMAGING-PAM]
52. Kunz H-H, Scharnewski M, Feussner K, Feussner I, Flügge U-I, Fulda M, Gierth M. The ABC Transporter PXA1 and Peroxisomal -Oxidation Are Vital for Metabolism in Mature Leaves of Arabidopsis during Extended Darkness The Plant Cell,2009, 21:2733-2749.[IMAGING-PAM, WATER-PAM]
53. Liu N, Lin Z-F, Guan L-L, Lin G-Z, Peng C-L. Light acclimation and HSO3- damage on photosynthetic apparatus of three subtropical forest species Ecotoxicology,2009, 18(7):929-938.[IMAGING-PAM]
54. Liu N, Lin Z-F, Van Devender A, Lin G-Z, Peng C-L, Pan X-P, Chen S-W, Gu Q. Spectral reflectance indices and pigment functions during leaf ontogenesis in six subtropical landscape plants. Plant Growth Regulation,2009, 58:73-84.[IMAGING-PAM]
55. Majer P, Sass L, Horváth GV, Hideg É. Leaf hue measurements offer a fast, high-throughput initial screening of photosynthesis in leaves Journal of Plant Physiology,2009, 167(1):74-76.[IMAGING-PAM]
56. McElrone AJ, Hamilton JG, Krafnick AJ, Aldea M, Knepp RG, DeLucia EH. Combined effects of elevated CO2 and natural climatic variation on leaf spot diseases of redbud and sweetgum trees Environmental Pollution,2009, 158(1):108-114.[IMAGING-PAM]
57. Mieog JC, Olsen JL, Berkelmans R, Bleuler-Martinez SA, Willis BL, Oppen MJHv. The Roles and Interactions of Symbiont, Host and Environment in Defining Coral Fitness. PLoS One,2009, 4(7):e6364.[IMAGING-PAM]
58. Niewiadomska E, Polzien L, Desel C, Rozpadek P, Miszalski Z, Krupinska K. Spatial patterns of senescence and development-dependent distribution of reactive oxygen species in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) leaves Journal of Plant Physiology,2009, 166(10):1057-1068.[IMAGING-PAM]
59. Petroutsos D, Terauchi AM, Busch A, Hirschmann I, Merchant SS, Finazzi G, Hippler M. PGRL1 Participates in Iron-induced Remodeling of the Photosynthetic Apparatus and in Energy Metabolism in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Journal of Biological Chemistry,2009, 284:32770-32781.[IMAGING-PAM]
60. Rosso D, Bode R, Li W, Krol M, Saccon D, Wang S, Schillaci LA, Rodermel SR, Maxwell DP, Hüner NPA. Photosynthetic Redox Imbalance Governs Leaf Sectoring in the Arabidopsis thaliana Variegation Mutants immutans, spotty, var1, and var2. The Plant Cell,2009, 21:3473-3492.[IMAGING-PAM]
61. Shaw M, Negri A, Fabricius K, Mueller JF. Predicting water toxicity: Pairing passive sampling with bioassays on the Great Barrier Reef Aquatic Toxicology,2009, 95(2):108-116.[IMAGING-PAM]
62. Shu Z, Shao L, Huang H-Y, Zeng X-Q, Lin Z-F, Chen G-Y, Peng C-L. Comparison of thermostability of PSII between the chromatic and green leaf cultivars of Amaranthus tricolor L. . Photosynthetica,2009, 47(4):548-558.[IMAGING-PAM]
63. Šnyrychová I, Ayaydin F, Hideg É. Detecting hydrogen peroxide in leaves in vivo – a comparison of methods. Physiologia Plantarum,2009, 135(1):1-18.[IMAGING-PAM]
64. Sussman M, Mieog JC, Doyle J, Victor S, Willis BL, Bourne DG. Vibrio Zinc-Metalloprotease Causes Photoinactivation of Coral Endosymbionts and Coral Tissue Lesions. PLoS ONE,2009, 4(2):e4511.[IMAGING-PAM]
65. Vermeirssen ELM, Bramaz N, Hollender J, Singer H, Escher BI. Passive sampling combined with ecotoxicological and chemical analysis of pharmaceuticals and biocides – evaluation of three Chemcatcher™ configurations Water Research,2009, 43(4):903-914.[IMAGING-PAM]
66. Voll LM, Hajirezaei MR, Czogalla-Peter C, Lein W, Stitt M, Sonnewald U, Börnke F. Antisense inhibition of enolase strongly limits the metabolism of aromatic amino acids, but has only minor effects on respiration in leaves of transgenic tobacco plants. New Phytologist,2009, 184(3):607-618.[GFS-3000 & MINI-IMAGING-PAM]
67. Wang H, Gu M, Cui J, Shi K, Zhou Y, Yu J. Effects of light quality on CO2 assimilation, chlorophyll-fluorescence quenching, expression of Calvin cycle genes and carbohydrate accumulation in Cucumis sativus Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology,2009, 96(1):30-37.[IMAGING-PAM]
68. Wang L-J, Loescher W, Duan W, Li W-D, Yang S-H, Li S-H. Heat acclimation induced acquired heat tolerance and cross adaptation in different grape cultivars: relationships to photosynthetic energy partitioning. Functional Plant Biology,2009, 36:516-526.[IMAGING-PAM]
69. Yiotis C, Petropoulou Y, Manetas Y. Evidence for light-independent and steeply decreasing PSII efficiency along twig depth in four tree species Photosynthetica,2009, 47(2):223-231.[IMAGING-PAM]
70. Zeliou K, Manetas Y, Petropoulou Y. Transient winter leaf reddening in Cistus creticus characterizes weak (stress-sensitive) individuals, yet anthocyanins cannot alleviate the adverse effects on photosynthesis. Journal of Experimental Botany,2009, 60(11):3031-3042.[IMAGING-PAM]
71. 柴伟国, 吕晓菡, 刘歆. 辣椒千丽1号及其亲本光合特性和耐寒性的测定. 浙江农业学报,2009:32-35.[IMAGING-PAM]
72. 杜亮亮, 金爱武, 胡元斌, 金晓春, 宋艳冬. 5种箬竹属竹种叶绿素荧光特性的比较. 世界竹藤通讯,2009, 7(2):17-21.[IMAGING-PAM]
73. 黄红英, 窦新永, 邓斌, 吴国江, 彭长连. 不同次生种源麻疯树对高温胁迫的响应. 林业科学,2009, 45(7):150-155.[IMAGING-PAM]
74. 李哲, 邢达. 光学无损分析技术在植物铝毒性研究中的应用. 激光生物学报,2009, 18(2):275-280.[IMAGING-PAM]
75. 林阿朋, 王超, 乔洪金, 潘光华, 王广策, 宋厉芸, 孙松, 周百成. 青岛海域漂浮和沉降浒苔的光合作用研究. 科学通报,2009, 54(4):294-298.[MICROSCOPY-IMAGING-PAM]
76. 宋莉英, 孙兰兰, 舒展, 李伟华, 彭长连. 夏季高光下入侵植物三裂叶蟛蜞菊叶片变红的生理功能. 生物多样性,2009, 17(2):188-194.[IMAGING-PAM]
77. 宋莉英, 孙兰兰, 舒展, 曾伟, 李伟华, 彭长连. 干旱和复水对入侵植物三裂叶蟛蜞菊叶片叶绿素荧光特性的影响. 生态学报,2009, 29(7):3714-3721.[IMAGING-PAM]
78. Abrego D, Ulstrup KE, Willis BL, van Oppen MJH. Species–specific interactions between algal endosymbionts and coral hosts define their bleaching response to heat and light stress Proc R Soc Lond B,2008, 275(1648):2273-2282.[IMAGING-PAM]
79. Abreu ME, Munné-Bosch S. Salicylic acid may be involved in the regulation of drought-induced leaf senescence in perennials: A case study in field-grown Salvia officinalis L. plants Environmental and Experimental Botany 2008, 64(2):105-112.[IMAGING-PAM]
80. Abreu ME, Munné-Bosch S. Hyponastic leaf growth decreases the photoprotective demand, prevents damage to photosystem II and delays leaf senescence in Salvia broussonetii plants. Physiologia Plantarum,2008, 134(2):369-379.[IMAGING-PAM]
81. Ainsworth TD, Hoegh-Guldberg O, Heron SF, Skirving WJ, Leggat W. Early cellular changes are indicators of pre-bleaching thermal stress in the coral host Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology,2008, 364(2):63-71.[IMAGING-PAM]
82. Ali NA, Juneau P, Didur O, Perreault F, Popovic R. Effect of dichromate on photosystem II activity in xanthophyll deficient mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Photosynthesis Research,2008, 95(1):45-53.[IMAGING-PAM]
83. Ay N, Clauss K, Barth O, Humbeck K. Identification and characterization of novel senescence-associated genes from barley (Hordeum vulgare) primary leaves. Plant Biology,2008, 10(1):121-135.[IMAGING-PAM]
84. Busch A, Rimbauld B, Naumann B, Rensch S, Hippler M. Ferritin is required for rapid remodeling of the photosynthetic apparatus and minimizes photo-oxidative stress in response to iron availability in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Plant Journal,2008, 55(2):201-211.[IMAGING-PAM]
85. Calatayud Á, Gorbe E, Roca D, Martínez PF. Effect of two nutrient solution temperatures on nitrate uptake, nitrate reductase activity, NH4+ concentration and chlorophyll a fluorescence in rose plants Environmental and Experimental Botany,2008, 64(1):65-74.[IMAGING-PAM]
86. Ehlert B, Hincha DK. Chlorophyll fluorescence imaging accurately quantifies freezing damage and cold acclimation responses i, n Arabidopsis leaves. Plant Methods,2008, 4:1-7.[IMAGING-PAM]
87. Escher BI, Bramaz N, Mueller JF, Quayle P, Rutishauser S, Vermeirssen ELM. Toxic equivalent concentrations (TEQs) for baseline toxicity and specific modes of action as a tool to improve interpretation of ecotoxicity testing of environmental samples. Journal of Environmental Monitoring,2008, 10:612-621.[IMAGING-PAM, TOXY-PAM]
88. Escher BI, Bramaz N, Quayle P, Rutishauser S, Vermeirssen ELM. Monitoring of the ecotoxicological hazard potential by polar organic micropollutants in sewage treatment plants and surface waters using a mode-of-action based test battery. Journal of Environmental Monitoring,2008, 10:622-631.[IMAGING-PAM]
89. Garbary DJ, Miller AG, Scrosati R, Kim K-Y, Schofield WB. Distribution and salinity tolerance of intertidal mosses from Nova Scotian salt marshes The Bryologist,2008, 111(2):282-191.[IMAGING-PAM]
90. Guidi L, Degl’Innocenti E. Ozone effects on high light-induced photoinhibition in Phaseolus vulgaris Plant Science,2008, 174(6):590-596.[IMAGING-PAM]
91. Guidi L, Degl''Innocenti E, Remorini D, Massai R, Tattini M. Interactions of water stress and solar irradiance on the physiology and biochemistry of Ligustrum vulgare. Tree Physiology,2008, 28(6):873-883.[IMAGING-PAM]
92. Hall-Spencer JM, Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Martin S, Ransome E, Fine M, Turner SM, Rowley SJ, Tedesco D, Buia M-C. Volcanic carbon dioxide vents show ecosystem effects of ocean acidification. Nature,2008, 454:96-99.[IMAGING-PAM, DIVING-PAM]
93. Hideg É. A comparative study of fluorescent singlet oxygen probes in plant leaves Central European Journal of Biology,2008, 3(3):272-284.[IMAGING-PAM]
94. Horst RJ, Engelsdorf T, Sonnewald U, Voll LM. Infection of maize leaves with Ustilago maydis prevents establishment of C4 photosynthesis. Journal of Plant Physiology,2008, 165(1):19-28.[IMAGING-PAM, GFS-3000]
95. Kocal N, Sonnewald U, Sonnewald S. Cell wall-bound invertase limits sucrose export and is involved in symptom development and inhibition of photosynthesis during compatible interaction between tomato and Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria. Plant Physiology,2008, 148:1523-1536.[IMAGING-PAM, GFS-3000]
96. Kós PB, Oláh R, Zok A, Horváth GV, Szegedi E, Váradi G, Bálo B, Hideg É. The role of ferritin in enhancing the stress tolerance of grapevine. Acta Biologica Szegediensis,2008, 52(1):41-43.[IMAGING-PAM]
97. Krupenina NA, Bulychev AA, Roelfsema MRG, Schreiber U. Action potential in Chara cells intensifies spatial patterns of photosynthetic electron flow and non-photochemical quenching in parallel with inhibition of pH banding. Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences,2008, 7:681-688.[IMAGING-PAM]
98. Kuckenberg J, Tartachnyk I, Noga G. Evaluation of fluorescence and remission techniques for monitoring changes in peel chlorophyll and internal fruit characteristics in sunlit and shaded sides of apple fruit during shelf-life Postharvest Biology and Technology,2008, 48(2):231-241.[IMAGING-PAM]
99. Lange PR, Geserick C, Tischendorf G, Zrenner R. Functions of Chloroplastic Adenylate Kinases in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology,2008, 146(2):492-504.[IMAGING-PAM, PAM-2000]
100. Lehr N-A, Schrey SD, Hampp R, Tarkka MT. Root inoculation with a forest soil streptomycete leads to locally and systemically increased resistance against phytopathogens in Norway spruce. New Phytologist,2008, 177(4):965-976.[IMAGING-PAM]
101. Li Q-M, Liu B-B, Wu Y, Zou Z-R. Interactive Effects of Drought Stresses and Elevated CO2 Concentration on Photochemistry Efficiency of Cucumber Seedlings. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology,2008, 50(10):1307-1317.[IMAGING-PAM]
102. Liu MZ, Osborne CP. Leaf cold acclimation and freezing injury in C3 and C4 grasses of the Mongolian Plateau. Journal of Experimental Botany,2008, 59(15):4161-4170.[IMAGING-PAM]
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